
Thursday, 5 March 2015

Getting to know

Getting to know

Operation (mathematics)SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain

Basic Facts..

full name: Remuel Tagia’a Tu’u
Age: 10 yr
Year: 6
DOB: 12th of September 2004
Ethnicity: Samoan
Country of birth: New Zealand
Suburb: Mt Roskill and Henderson
Church: ST Marys and Christ the King
Who lives with me…

My Grandma: Maria
My Aunties: Esther, Selina, Imelda, Mary, Jane.
My Mum: Tumama
My Cousin: Regina

Sport: Rugby
game: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Titanfall, Assasin's Creed Black Flag, WWE 2K15 and Fifa 15
Book: The Hobbit
Song/group: Lamborghini Ksi and P Money
Subject: R.E and Art
TV programme: Disney Channel
Movie: The 13th Warrior and The Hobbit Battle of Five Armies
Food: Chicken
dislikesSMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain

Sport: Golf
game: PES15
Book: None
Song/group: Justin Bieber
Subject: Reading
TV programme: Kidzone
Movie: Planes
Food: Rich Chocolate Cake
When i grow up i would like to
Be A I.T or Traveller
Rugby Player

What I am scared of:
Losing My Family
Things that i am really good at:

Playing Rugby and Helping People on the Computer

Things i would like to get better at:


  1. Seems you have a clear idea of what you want in life.. and i have the greatest faith and confidence that you can do it :-) best of luck Remuel.

  2. Thank you Mary for commenting on my blog.

  3. Well done Remuel. You have so much to offer and you are a very talented child whose love for travel exceeds my own. May you experience more of the wonderful treasures out in the world. Many wishes and warmest regards. Esther
