
Thursday, 5 March 2015


Respect Quotes

Ash Wednesday

Getting to know

Getting to know

Operation (mathematics)SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain

Basic Facts..

full name: Remuel Tagia’a Tu’u
Age: 10 yr
Year: 6
DOB: 12th of September 2004
Ethnicity: Samoan
Country of birth: New Zealand
Suburb: Mt Roskill and Henderson
Church: ST Marys and Christ the King
Who lives with me…

My Grandma: Maria
My Aunties: Esther, Selina, Imelda, Mary, Jane.
My Mum: Tumama
My Cousin: Regina

Sport: Rugby
game: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Titanfall, Assasin's Creed Black Flag, WWE 2K15 and Fifa 15
Book: The Hobbit
Song/group: Lamborghini Ksi and P Money
Subject: R.E and Art
TV programme: Disney Channel
Movie: The 13th Warrior and The Hobbit Battle of Five Armies
Food: Chicken
dislikesSMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain

Sport: Golf
game: PES15
Book: None
Song/group: Justin Bieber
Subject: Reading
TV programme: Kidzone
Movie: Planes
Food: Rich Chocolate Cake
When i grow up i would like to
Be A I.T or Traveller
Rugby Player

What I am scared of:
Losing My Family
Things that i am really good at:

Playing Rugby and Helping People on the Computer

Things i would like to get better at:


Remuel's Mihi

1. A greeting
2. My name is
3. I was born in
4. I live in (name of place)
5. My mother is from
6. My father is from
7. I work at (name of school)
8. Thank you

O lo’u igoa o Lemuelu Tagia’a Tu’u
Na ou fanau i Aukilani, New Zealand
Ou te nofo i Aukilani, New Zealand
O lo’u tina na fanau i Lefagoalii i Savai’i
Ou te galue i Christ the King, Faafetai lava

School Rules

Sign of the cross in Samoan

How to plant seeds

IMG_2342.JPG1. Scoop some soil and put it in your yogurt container.
IMG_2346.JPG2. Swipe off the extra soil.
IMG_2347.JPG3. Push down the soil.
IMG_2343.JPG4. Pick one of the black seed pods
IMG_2345.JPG5. Pull out the flax seeds.
IMG_2346.JPG6. Sprinkle a pinch of soil on top of the flax seeds.

Road Patrols

Road Patrols
Goal: Cross the road safely with children

What you need:
  • 2 patrols
  • children walking
  • 4 flags
  • vest ( possibly raincoat )
  • Adult

  1. Put on your vest and hold the flags.
  2. Wait until all children walking are all there and also the teacher.
  3. Walk with the teacher and children to the lights.
  4. Press the button and wait until the green light goes.
  5. Keep children on the footpath and wait until the buzzer goes when it does check if the cars have stopped then shout “ check” and “ walk now”.
  6. Walk with the children across the road.
  7. If cars go on red lights wait until they all stop.
  8. Walk around the square after all the children are at home. Then get your bags from school.