
Monday, 7 December 2015

Today We participated in the hour of code

Monday, 23 November 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

NZ New Flag

Today we made our own versions of the New Zealand Flag

Friday, 28 August 2015


About a week ago our class had a task to blog on a CTK class site, a student blog and a Ako hiko blog.


Monday, 29 June 2015


Playing AFL
Today we played a game of AFL. We played as Sydney Swans and Hawthorn Hawks. One team had no bibs and the other team did. When we were playing we had one goalkeeper for each team. To pass we needed to handball we couldn’t pass it like how we pass in Rugby. When we played Dylan got two goals. It was a very fun and hard game.


Monday, 22 June 2015


The Ruck
What →Someone throws up the ball then you have to jump and high five it towards your team
When →When you start the game, quarter, after a goal and throw ins.
Why → So you can decide who gets the ball
Who →The ruckman and umpire

The Clock
The Umpire needs to call out a o’clock then he needs to throw it in the air.
Then you need to hit the ball the direction.
You are only allowed to say 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock or 9 o’clock.
If you hit it in the right direction you get 1 point.

Monday, 15 June 2015


Afl Bounce

1. Bounce the ball with robot arms.
2. X towards your face.
3. Bounce and catch it on the curves.
We need to bounce the ball in Afl because you are only allowed to take 10 steps then you will need to kick or bounce it again so you can run again.

Thursday, 11 June 2015


Screenshot 2015-06-11 at 11.54.12.png

Helps people after a natural disaster

Mask: To see the sick and hurt from far away
Gloves: Make houses and tunnels through the rubble to find the sick and hurt people.
Boots: So I can get to places faster.
Gear: So I can fly around the world to help the people in need quickly.

Tools: Medicine to help the hurt and sick

Monday, 8 June 2015


Chest Mark
  • Put your arms out straight in 
  • Make your arms into an eleven
  • When the ball comes scoop it up
Hand Mark
  • Put your hands out in front of you
  • Then make it like your holding a camera or a W
  • When the ball comes to you pretend your filming it.
Spectacular Mark
  • When the ball is coming to you run to it
  • When you run to it jump and put your knee up.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Hand Ball

Hand Ball Instructions
1. Make a dinner plate with your weak hand then place the ball on your dinner plate.
2. Then make a snail shape with your fist with thumb down
3. Swing your arms like how a pirate dances
4. Hit on the X on the bottom of the ball or where the ice cream should be.
5. After you hit you should end with your cone in your plate

Monday, 18 May 2015

Drop Punt

Drop Punt
  1. Laces away from faces
  2. Crosses up & down
  3. Arms and fingers straight down
  4. Point your toes where you want it to go
(Imagine you are flicking mud to your partner)

Friday, 15 May 2015

Anzac Fern

Anzac Fern

We used our chromebooks to crop and copy anzac silhouettes.
Screenshot 2015-05-15 at 12.39.36 PM.png



To make our Anzac pics we used, paper, dye, soldier silhouettes, crosses and graves.
Screenshot 2015-05-15 at 12.31.34 PM.png



For our pictures we used paint, photos, pastels and paper. We were looking up to God, and could see the light coming from Heaven.

Thursday, 5 March 2015


Respect Quotes

Ash Wednesday

Getting to know

Getting to know

Operation (mathematics)SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain

Basic Facts..

full name: Remuel Tagia’a Tu’u
Age: 10 yr
Year: 6
DOB: 12th of September 2004
Ethnicity: Samoan
Country of birth: New Zealand
Suburb: Mt Roskill and Henderson
Church: ST Marys and Christ the King
Who lives with me…

My Grandma: Maria
My Aunties: Esther, Selina, Imelda, Mary, Jane.
My Mum: Tumama
My Cousin: Regina

Sport: Rugby
game: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Titanfall, Assasin's Creed Black Flag, WWE 2K15 and Fifa 15
Book: The Hobbit
Song/group: Lamborghini Ksi and P Money
Subject: R.E and Art
TV programme: Disney Channel
Movie: The 13th Warrior and The Hobbit Battle of Five Armies
Food: Chicken
dislikesSMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain

Sport: Golf
game: PES15
Book: None
Song/group: Justin Bieber
Subject: Reading
TV programme: Kidzone
Movie: Planes
Food: Rich Chocolate Cake
When i grow up i would like to
Be A I.T or Traveller
Rugby Player

What I am scared of:
Losing My Family
Things that i am really good at:

Playing Rugby and Helping People on the Computer

Things i would like to get better at:


Remuel's Mihi

1. A greeting
2. My name is
3. I was born in
4. I live in (name of place)
5. My mother is from
6. My father is from
7. I work at (name of school)
8. Thank you

O lo’u igoa o Lemuelu Tagia’a Tu’u
Na ou fanau i Aukilani, New Zealand
Ou te nofo i Aukilani, New Zealand
O lo’u tina na fanau i Lefagoalii i Savai’i
Ou te galue i Christ the King, Faafetai lava